Upcoming Events related to Writer's Conferences


(More to come in the fall!)


Ventura - Sat. March 5th - Barnes & Noble

 Saturday, March 5th at 1 pm - 3 pm

I'll be doing a signing at the front of the store.  Drop on by!

Sacramento - Sat. March 12th - Hyatt Hotel

Saturday, March 12th from 5 pm to 10 pm

Myself and 39 other writers, including my friend J. Ryan Stradal, will be rotating between tables at the Sacarmento Library Foundation annual fundraiser. Should be fun!

Honolulu - Fri., April 8th - the nook

Friday, April 8th from 5:45 pm to 7 pm

I'll be at this super cool new restaurant called the nook near the U.H.  (1035 University Ave) for a little signing and giving a brief (but hopefully humorous talk) titled: "13 Things I Wish I'd Know Before Writing a Book and 1 Thing I Wish I Still Didn't Know."

Austin - Fri. May 6th - Westwood

Friday, May 6th - Literary Lunch, Time TBD

I'll be doing a little talk and a reading with the Austin Woman's Club.  Contact me for more info!


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Santa Barbara - Sept. 22nd - Chaucers Bookstore

Tuesday, September 22nd at 7 PM

Come join for me for drinks, light eats, and a hopefully enjoyable evening. To me, readings are embarrassing to give and a bit embarrassing to listen to, so I'll be speaking to the topic: "10 things I wish I'd known before writing a book and one thing I wish I still didn't."  

Asheville, N.C. - Oct. 8th, 7 pm- Firestorm Books 

Nashville - Oct. 10th - Southern Festival of Books

I'll be sharing a panel with Scott Dannemiller (Ditching the Daily: Chronicles of Simple Living, Finding Joy, and Letting Go) and David James and Veronica James  (Going Gypsy) at the Southern Festival of Books in Nashville on Saturday, Oct. 10th, at 12 noon in Room 12, Legislative Plaza. 

Austin - Oct. 17th and 18th - Texas Book Festival

 I'll be joining Debra Monroe (On the Outskirts of Normal) at the Texas Book Festival on Saturday, Oct. 17th at 12 noon to 12:45 pm at Extension 2010. 

Los Angeles - Oct. 24th - SCIBA

I'll be giving away books at the Southern California Independent Bookseller Association on Saturday, Oct. 24th at 6 pm at Beverly Park.


Flagstaff - Oct 29th - Nonfiction Now

I'll be on a panel with Robin Hemley and Bonnie Rough at this great conference in Flagstaff.  Conference dates are from Oct. 28th-31st, 2015.  I'll be speaking at 4 pm on the 29th.

Ventura - Nov. 1st - 805 Writers' Conference

Conference is on Saturday, the 31st of October and Sunday, Nov 1st.  I'll be speaking at 1:30 pm on Sunday on a great panel with Michaela Haas, Mark Miller, David Davis, and Margaret Grundstein.

San Diego/La Jolla - Nov. 16th - Warwick's Bookstore - 7:30 pm

Expect wine, light eats, and a generally enjoyable evening - or your money back.  Well, it's technically free, but will be enjoyable nonetheless!